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No Secrets
Fan Page

Send me anything if you met the girls!!!

Click this to see Ashton and Angel



The top picture is Ashton with NS she has the best site out there! She is my girl and she knows NS in everyway....go to her site at www.nosecrets-shh.com for 1170 pictures...More Now haha!!Click the thumbnail to see her and Angel plus a group picture with NS!! She has everything on that site plus all those pictures so check it out!! Another great site which is the 2nd picture is Lauren and Katy there site is awesome!! They have exclusive interviews with Angels Mom (Cindy) and Erins sister (Jen) so check that out also they have everything you need to know plus much more!! You can find there site at www.nosecrets.fan-page.com and if you go to related links these great sites are under that also thanks a lot!! ~Tash~
My encounter with NS
 We got to the front around 4:30 and we waiting for about 2 hours.....finally lol Angels mom came and picked us up....(thanks for calling her ashton) and Angels brother was with them he was so cute....while on the way down to the meet n greet my friend (who was with me) we talked to Angels mom about some stuff and our parents talked to Angels grandma (they were really nice)....so we came down to the stage and we saw Aaron doing his meet n greet (so we got some pictures lol) and Angels mom told us to stay there she was going to see if the girls where ready...so when she came back we had to leave the stage area and go were they where.......there was about 25 people in front of us and I made the girls a gift basket and a poster I was so happy b/c they loved it..... it was cool b/c they were all laughing cause I gave Jessica and Carly the sweaters on the bears I got them and carly says 'That is so funny did you know that lol we always wear the same sweaters" and i said Ashton (she does this site) help me out.....and I bought them sour patch kids and Jade was like "We love sour patch kids we left our hotel to get some" lol I was like aww.....and Jade was like can I give you a hug lol because of the basket and I was like sure.....(they are all soooo sweet and nice and pretty lol) so all the other girls were like i want a hug too so I was ok I will be happy to give you guys hugs.......and they signed a picture they were handing out for 5 bucks and they signed my cd booklet thingy.....and Erin was at the end of the table and said "What is your name again?" and i said Tasha and she goes "I am going to say thanks to you on stage" I was so happy and shocked I didn't know what to say so I was THANKS lol .......so we went to our seats and Triple Image opened first they were SOOO CUTE I was like awww the whole time they danced so good.....then Jump 5 came on and they were ok they did like filps half the time haha but it was cool..........then NO SECRETS came on hehe and they looked great they came out and sang like 50 seconds of the song No Secrets.....then I think On the Floor I am not sure if this was the order and then I know what I want then it was I'll remember you and Kids in America and then they sang Thats was girls do....and it was great because everyone was singing with them and imbetween like the 2 or 3rd song Erin was saying some things about the songs and the group and then she said "I want to thank Tasha we love you" and I stood up and I was like I love you to but I dont think they heard me but after the show they were signing autographs and so we left like 3 songs early and we went to the table there was about 20 people in front of us and when I got up there Angel was first and I told her thankyou sooo much and asked for a hug and then I was talking on the phone with Ashton so she could say hi to Jade and after they got off I gave Jade a hug and told her thank you and they were like no thankyou and it was awesome then Jessica and she said did you hear Erin say your name and I was like yes thankyou!!! and I asked her if she saw the slipper things I put on the bears and she said yes and she loves everything and she already has her bear in the bus on her bed I was sooo happy and they were so sweet....and Carly is just really nice and I gave her and Jessica a hug then Erin was last and she asked me 2 if I heard her and while I was hugger her I said Erin thank you so much and I told them bye and thankyou again.... it was the best thing ever!!! I LOVE NO SECRETS THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ~Love Tasha~ oh and i used 4 roles plus more so i will be sending lots of pics!!!